Thursday, May 29, 2008

So today was yet another college tour, bringing the total number of colleges I have seen my Junior year of high school to eight: (U Maine Orono, NESCOM, Husson, U of New England, St. Joseph's of Maine, U Maine Presque Isle, N. Maine Comm. College, and U Maine Fort Kent).

All in all, UMFK (affectionately called UM-FuK or UM-FoKt by myself) was a decent school. The fact that the campus is LITERALLY 20 feet from my current school makes me dislike it a little bit, but eh ... what can you do? It's cheap as heck, with a total year's worth of financing around $12,000 or so (depending).

It's definately worth it, but I want to venture out somewhere. Colby is still my #1, but making a surprise grab at my #2 spot is University of New England in Biddeford. Since Colby will not accept me (most likely) given my 3.2 GPA and lack of extracurriculars (only on maybe 5 clubs overall), I am doubtful. SO, with a 70% acceptance rate, I look toward UNE. I mean ... it's at a beach.

At #3 is my beloved Earlham, a small Quaker school in Richmond, Indiana. I like everything about this school ... well, i mean it IS in Indiana. But hey, whatever. In #4 is Northeastern in Boston, and at #5 is Western New England in Springfield. My #6 is a great little college called Furman in Greenville, SC. Most of my colleges happen to be small, private, liberal arts schools that have low acceptance rates. Jeez ... hopefully I get in somewhere.

Aside from the college scare, as I call it, I've had a good week - mostly. Geometry has brought on nightmares I can't even begin to explain, but I'm happy that after a zero grade on a homework assignment (didn't pass it in) and a 73 on a test (juniors missed the review for our "FUN DAY"), I didn't go down - maintaining my shameful, disgraceful 80. To anyone with a lower grade than 80, im sure you're not as upset as i am with my grade. but i recently realized, if colleges don't like my GPA, they're not good enough for me. that's a neat spin on things.

But ya, Iron Man was a good movie overall, maybe even close to GREAT. So that pretty much sums everything up. Tomorrow we start Trigonometry, and only Jehovah knows what horrors that entails.

[Author's Note]: The use of the term Jehovah above was not for comedic affect. Though I am not a Jehovah's Witness - several of whom I have met and know, and whose religion I am very fond - I use the term Jehovah with the utmost respect. If ever I use "Jehovah" in school, it is not to be offensive or rude - it is to indicate my belief that Lord God has a name, and it is Jehovah. In case you're curious, Jehovah is derived from the Hebrew Yahweh*, which is the name of God. In fact, Yahweh is so sacred a word, it cannot be said aloud - only written. Also in Judaism, they do not write God the way most of us do, but rather as such: G-d. They are very respectful. As such, I believe in Jehovah, but I do call Him God more often, mostly from habit, having been raised by Pentecostal parents who do not accept any other name than God.

*spelling may be incorrect

Saturday, May 17, 2008

SATs and stuff

Today was the SATs. ARGH!

I got up at 6, which I usually do, and left around 6:40. I got to Fort Kent around 7:20, and when I saw no one at the school, went for a ride down pleasant, over to market, up main, and back to the school ... half the loop, lol.

By then, there were two or three people who had arrived. I went in, and pretty soon everyone started arriving - together. It was so weird. Fort Kent people - I don't get you sometimes.

So anyway, it was 10 sections long, and boring as hell. The essay was sort of neat, but everything else kinda sucked. ESPECIALLY math. I hate math. I think I did decent on it though.

Now I've just got to wait to see what I got. My scores are getting sent to some of my college choices, so maybe they'll be impressed. Lol. Anyway, I'm focusing on taking the ACTs next month. I think those will be a LOT, LOT, LOT, LOT better.

So ya ... that's it. What's up?

Monday, May 12, 2008

I'm writing in Georgia today. Why? It's my new favorite font. Why? Who knows? Yes, I did answer your question with a question.

So, tomorrow's college fair in Presque Isle just makes me realize that college is rapidly approaching. In a little more than six months, most of us will already have applied and/or been accepted to schools. For me, as long as I'm accepted into one of the following five, I won't be disappointed:Earlham College, Richmond, Indiana
Colby College, Waterville, Maine
University of New England, Biddeford, MaineUniversity of New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut
Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts

Tomorrow's college fair will be good, as Colby, UNE and UNH will all be there. Of course, so will like 1000 other kids who have no interest in going to any of the schools in attendance. Even worse, a lot of kids with like D-averages trying to get Colby or Bowdoin information. I almost want to grab them and say, "HEY - don't even bother!" Sounds mean, but they're just in the way of those of us who may actually have a shot. I say that with a B-average ... knowing Colby and/or Bowdoin would both reject me.

I really don't have much else to say. I wanted to write a normal blog, just detailing my day, but this just came out of my ... hands. lol. So anyway, have a good week everybody.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Wednesday's Just Alright

So today was Wednesday.

What some may call "Hump Day" has always sort of just been an irritent to me. We've completed the first three days of the week, which is good, but there are still two more, long days to go. However, tomorrow night I will be singing praise that the following day is Friday. Never mind that it will mean I am just a week away from a book test I have not read for, and a little more than a week away from the SAT's - which may or may not decide my very future. With my Upward Bound requirement to take them twice - and my plans to take the ACTs this June - I can be more chill than most. I will, of course, taken them seriously nonetheless.

So today, I discovered that my Bowdoin College water bottle - which is awesome - is a Nalgene bottle. Those are insanely popular right now, which shocks me, given their simplicity. However, I take pride in knowing I've had mine for almost a year - while many people are just NOW getting theirs. However, I cannot use it yet. Somehow, after sitting away in a cupboard for nearly a year, has several small brown spots on the inside. I researched, and before I can begin using my beloved water bottle, I must first soak it in bleach and water overnight. GROSS. Have you ever smelt bleach and water? We used it a lot in First Aid as a disinfectant, and it is DISGUSTING. What's worst is that the smell refuses to leave your hands. No doubt, I will need to soak it in soapy water overnight afterward just to eliminate the smell of the bleach. BUT, claims the Nalgene website, my bottle will then be clean. :)

Some controversy has developed with the Nalgene bottles, with groups claiming that a chemical called BPA (Bisphenol-A), which is present in the plastic, can cause organ failure or something. But given America's desire to stay trendy, I doubt this will make much of a difference. I do not plan on throwing away mine - even it is may be dangerous. Why? Because society says Nalgene bottles are cool, and I am always looking to be cool.

In all seriousness, they seem like a decent product. But if I begin to feel sick, I may stop using it. Until that day, GO Nalgene.

Well alright. Thanks for reading, and have a good week everybody.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Liberal Christendom? What's that?

So it seems that in modern society, plagued by the likes of Ann Coulter and John McCain (however Liberal we all know he really is), Christianity has gotten a bad reputation. As a Christian - recently rediscovering it after a month of time invested in the Baha'i Faith (see article below) - I am saddened by this. Conservatism has become the majority when it comes to what political fraction Christians should turn to. My opinion is that Christians, even devout ones, can turn to Liberalism and not face eternal damnation.

Take for example the Christian perspective on homosexuality. I mention this topic because it seems to be one of the most dividing of all. On one side of Christendom, you have the Evangelicals and other Conservatives who say Leviticus 18:22 ("Man shall not lie with mankind as with womankind; it is abomination") bans homosexuality. However, you have others who say that this does nothing of the sort. Instead, they claim, it simply discourages certain sexual acts. Citing the fact that the Bible also uses the word "abomination" - a very strong word indeed - to condemn the consumption of certain foods and other smaller items. Add to it the fact that homosexuality is only mentioned two or three times total in the Bible, and soon you have a strong argument against a ban on homosexuality.

Whatever end of the spectrum you choose to side with, that is not important. I was recently sitting around on a day off from school, and it suddenly hit me while deep in thought - Evangelicals are the biggest hypocrites in the world! They mention this sin of homosexuality, yet they don't realize the sin they THEMSELVES are comitting. By advocating a ban on gay marriage, they are intending to act as judges and discriminators. However, the Bible condemns such activity MANY more times than it condemns homosexuality - if in fact it does at all. So, by acting as God - the Supreme Judge - they are comitting a sin greater than sodomy. Do they not realize this? The sad thing is - they do not.

It's quite simple: discrimination and judgment is prohibited by the Bible. We've all heard in our lives "Judge not lest ye be judged." Well, that comes directly from the Bible. Yet, Evangelicals cower behind their Bibles, condemning those who disagree with them. It is ironic that they can claim to be the true followers of Christ when they are dirtying his name and changing His will. What the Evangelicals ought to do is this: shut up. Even if they are against homosexuality, it is not their right to act as God and judge and condemn. If they truly believe this is wrong, let them remain quiet and if God is truly upset by this behavior, He - and only He - will be allowed to judge. Until that time, we need some damage control for the Evangelicals - who by the way are turning out more gay Conservative politicians than any other religious sect in the world.

Aside from homosexuality, we have issues such as abortion, stem cell research, drug use, and many other sensitive topics. I hold similar beliefs for all these topics: shut up! You claim to be doing God's will, yet His will is that you do not try and do His job. He is the Supreme Judge, not you. That being said, it is easy to call your acts hypocritical, sinful, and immoral. Of course, morals have long ago fled from any Evangelical mindset - despite what they might want you to believe.

I do not condemn all Evangelicals, holding many Evangelical beliefs myself. I believe in baptism, I believe in the second coming of Christ, I believe in no sex before marriage, I believe in no drug or alcohol use, and I even believe in the Rapture. That being said, not everyone thinks like me, and I most certainly don't plan on taking on God's role any time soon.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Now I'm Back

I took a month off, mostly because I felt this blog was dead. Which it is. BUT, I've decided to blog for ME - good writing practice. So if I get readers, GREAT - if not, oh well.

I dont have much to discuss today, except to say - I am back from vacation.