Saturday, January 19, 2008

Hillary Clinton for President

So, with victories in the New Hampshire and Nevada primaries (or maybe Nevada is a caucus), Hillary Clinton is starting to look like an early leader over biggest challenger Barack Obama. Personally, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are interchangable. Their beliefs and goals are so similar that it doesn't matter who wins; as long as a Democrat does.

I'm sick of people making the following statements:

"Hillary Clinton will ruin this country..."
"No one will let a black man be President..."

Here are my responses:

1) How could Hillary Clinton destroy this country any more than her predecessor?
2) America may be historically racist, but we need a strong leader. More people will vote FOR change than vote against it for racist, biggoted reasons.

I have been a Clinton supporter for a long time. She really will make a great President. It's too bad, however, that we'll have to wait for a monumental nomination. With only Democrats having the guts to nominate either an African American or a woman, it seems we'll have to wait until 2016, after Hillary has served for 2 terms, for an African American nominee. I'm sure Barack, who will only be in his 50s, will make a great Presidential candidate in 2016. It will help him being the first African American Vice President ... hopefully.

Clinton/Obama, 2008


John said...

You should check out Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left from Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning by Jonah Goldberg. It's pretty interesting, and extremely controversial.

Mack90-09 said...

i seem to think that he was just on The Daily Show or Colbert Report recently. That name of the book and author sound familiar.

Thanks for the suggestion. I'll add it to the list of books I NEED to read. that list, i find, is growing out of control. there are so many good books out there, and so little time.