Monday, May 5, 2008

Liberal Christendom? What's that?

So it seems that in modern society, plagued by the likes of Ann Coulter and John McCain (however Liberal we all know he really is), Christianity has gotten a bad reputation. As a Christian - recently rediscovering it after a month of time invested in the Baha'i Faith (see article below) - I am saddened by this. Conservatism has become the majority when it comes to what political fraction Christians should turn to. My opinion is that Christians, even devout ones, can turn to Liberalism and not face eternal damnation.

Take for example the Christian perspective on homosexuality. I mention this topic because it seems to be one of the most dividing of all. On one side of Christendom, you have the Evangelicals and other Conservatives who say Leviticus 18:22 ("Man shall not lie with mankind as with womankind; it is abomination") bans homosexuality. However, you have others who say that this does nothing of the sort. Instead, they claim, it simply discourages certain sexual acts. Citing the fact that the Bible also uses the word "abomination" - a very strong word indeed - to condemn the consumption of certain foods and other smaller items. Add to it the fact that homosexuality is only mentioned two or three times total in the Bible, and soon you have a strong argument against a ban on homosexuality.

Whatever end of the spectrum you choose to side with, that is not important. I was recently sitting around on a day off from school, and it suddenly hit me while deep in thought - Evangelicals are the biggest hypocrites in the world! They mention this sin of homosexuality, yet they don't realize the sin they THEMSELVES are comitting. By advocating a ban on gay marriage, they are intending to act as judges and discriminators. However, the Bible condemns such activity MANY more times than it condemns homosexuality - if in fact it does at all. So, by acting as God - the Supreme Judge - they are comitting a sin greater than sodomy. Do they not realize this? The sad thing is - they do not.

It's quite simple: discrimination and judgment is prohibited by the Bible. We've all heard in our lives "Judge not lest ye be judged." Well, that comes directly from the Bible. Yet, Evangelicals cower behind their Bibles, condemning those who disagree with them. It is ironic that they can claim to be the true followers of Christ when they are dirtying his name and changing His will. What the Evangelicals ought to do is this: shut up. Even if they are against homosexuality, it is not their right to act as God and judge and condemn. If they truly believe this is wrong, let them remain quiet and if God is truly upset by this behavior, He - and only He - will be allowed to judge. Until that time, we need some damage control for the Evangelicals - who by the way are turning out more gay Conservative politicians than any other religious sect in the world.

Aside from homosexuality, we have issues such as abortion, stem cell research, drug use, and many other sensitive topics. I hold similar beliefs for all these topics: shut up! You claim to be doing God's will, yet His will is that you do not try and do His job. He is the Supreme Judge, not you. That being said, it is easy to call your acts hypocritical, sinful, and immoral. Of course, morals have long ago fled from any Evangelical mindset - despite what they might want you to believe.

I do not condemn all Evangelicals, holding many Evangelical beliefs myself. I believe in baptism, I believe in the second coming of Christ, I believe in no sex before marriage, I believe in no drug or alcohol use, and I even believe in the Rapture. That being said, not everyone thinks like me, and I most certainly don't plan on taking on God's role any time soon.


Anonymous said...

Haha, yeah I know.
And this blog is very interesting, by the way.

Anonymous said...

Lol, thanks.
I wish I could write really elaborate blogs though. :P
And I'm going to try to find interesting random facts and put them in my blog. Haha.
I've come across some pretty interesting ones. Lol.