Friday, June 20, 2008

Woke up this morning...

So I woke up this morning... as you can guess, it was 8:23. I was immediately struck by the desire - perhaps "urge" is a better word - to begin Upward Bound packing. So, I dug my suitcase out of my closet, cleaned it out from the last time I used it, and began to pack. So far, I have been able to keep six weeks worth of clothes, toiletries and school supplies in one medium-sized bag, a small suitcase, and a backpack. My fan will not be packed, as there's no good reason to pack it.

I know I thought last week's entry would be my last, but I figured there's no reason to completely end a blog just because I leave for the summer. I can maintain two blogs I suppose. It's just the other one will be more in-depth. Truth be told, I just really wanted to use this picture of my alarm clock. It the alarm wasn't so loud, I would take it instead of my old alarm. BUT, I'm happy with my old alarm. Last year my suite mates enjoyed the feature where you can project the time onto the wall. It was convenient whenever we stayed up talking. Rather than squint to see the time on a regular clock, we could see it in large numerals up on the wall. Definitely a plus.

As UB comes closer, now down to 40-some hours from now, I am becoming anxious. Not only to see old friends, but also to meet the new people. But I don't want to make this entry TOO long. I'm going to go find something to do... hoping the thunder I heard doesn't necessarily mean a downpour is coming.

Friday, June 13, 2008

ACTs, Summer Plans

Tomorrow are the ACTs. I'm pretty anxious to take them, actually. I mean, I have to go to Ashland, but whatever ... it'll be worth it. Considering I only got a 1640 on my SATs, which is good but not great, I'm really hoping to come away with an ACT composite of 28-31. I doubt I'll get a 31, but a 28 would be good. Most colleges ask for ACTs in the 22+ range, so I feel a 28 would be fairly impressive.

So far, I've discovered about half of the people have taken them, and half have never heard of them. Maine is one of the majority of states where SATs are more common than ACTs, while states like Indiana and Missouri have an ACT prominence. Maybe after I take them I'll understand why some states like them and some states don't. Until tomorrow afternoon, I really can't form an opinion. All I can say is that the SATs are overhyped by people. They're really not that bad.

Other than ACT news, I really don't have much to say. This weekend it's ACTs, next weekend I'm departing for Brunswick. Within a few weeks I will be actively involved in UB '08, and my excitement is high. Last year was amazing, and with some good people returning from last year, this summer is sure to be good. Not to mention all the good first years.
Oh well, should be good. If you want to read up on my Bowdoin excitement, my Bowdoin blog will be located at the weblink below. I won't be posting on here during the summer, most likely, so make sure to catch up with me there. Have a great summer (Elisha, lol), and I'll resume Truthiness9009 this fall.