Tuesday, November 20, 2007

My Top 5

Despite repeated reassurences that I'm young and don't have to be worried about college, I am. I was told that I should have my TOP 5 choices picked out, and therefore I did so. Below is my list of top college choices and why they are my top ones. Boring subject? Perhaps. But I'd rather be safe than sorry.

#5: University of Maine, Orono, Maine - almost any major you could ask for, but a little too close to home, and also has a reputation of being where Mainers who can't get accepted to college go

#4: William Penn University , Oskaloosa, Iowa - offers a great liberal arts program, has a great campus, and has almost every major I could want; however, is Iowa the state for me?

#3: Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vermont - great liberal arts, incredible curriculum, and well-respected faculty. However, the middle of nowhere is what I'm trying to escape.

#2: Liberty University, Lynchburg, Virginia - awesome Christian-based curriculum, majors in almost everything, and an amazing campus. However, the initial coolness of having nothing but Christians around me could wear off quickly, and then I'd be at a college in Virginia with a student body that is 90% white, 100% Christian

#1: Colby College, Waterville, Maine - while I could never achieve the GPA needed to get accepted, it is a dream. Colby has a world-renowned liberal arts program, a high percentage of students who are hired within a year of graduation, an amazing campus, a rigorous but rewarding curriculum, and a 4-1-4 academic calendar, which is great. However, my one downside of this school is that its reputation and its eliteness may get in the way of my education. Not to mention the pressure to do well at a $43,000 a year school

This picture is of the campus of Colby College in Waterville, Maine. It is an amazing college, and I really want to go one day. Is it in the cards? I don't know yet. I do know that I have signed up for French 3 (unrequired), plan on taking college courses (unrequired), and Honor's and AP classes (unrequired) all so that Colby might give me a second glance. Sad and pathetic? Maybe. But I'm thinking about my future. Not to mention, it's Colby. We're talking First class education, First class living, First class everything. The admissions lady told me that being a boy from Maine makes my odds of getting accepted even higher. I guess only time will tell. All I know is that everyone has that college that really want to go to. For me, that has always been Colby. Let's see how that works out.

Well, that concludes this blog. I'll post a new one discussing my Thanksgiving break.


Unknown said...

So, I got the link to your blog off of Noelle's, and thought this college post was really cool.

I'm terrified of going to college, simply because I'm afraid I'll pick the wrong one. It's neat that you have your choices narrowed down already... I should get around to that.

Anyway, I've looked into Middlebury a lot, so I thought it was neat that it was on your list too. It seems like such a nice school, and Vermont is very, very pretty. I'm going to try to get a tour of Middlebury this spring, I'll let you know what I think.

I'd also love to look at Colby. I have a friend who graduated from there and loved it.

Just wait until you go on the Junior College Trip. The only school that I liked from that trip was UNE, and it made me realize that I think I'd like to go to a private college. Not only was UNE beautiful, but all the people there looked intelligent and interesting (unlike most of the students and NMCC). I think a private school would be great, because you'd know that the people who are there actually want to be there, unlike High School. It would be nice to get away from all the "Hoh Mrs, I'm not doing this!".

Anyway... these decisions are so hard. Maybe I'll just go to Canada! :)

Unknown said...

This is Kaitlyn, by the way. :)

Mack90-09 said...


YAY! Now I have another reader. Awesome.

John said...
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John said...
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John said...

(Three tries to post a simple comment. Jesis Maria!)

I'd be wary of any Christian university. One of the hallmarks of the much-lauded and often misunderstood "university experience" is exposure to a diverse intellectual climate. Most universities have Christian clubs and organizations anyway, but I would be worried that at a school with a mandated creationist-friendly curriculum, you might miss out on lively debate and challenging ideas.

Plus, from what I have heard about Christian schools, you'll be facing serious, constant pressure to get married really early.

But it's your call, in the end. Just think it all through. You've got time.