Saturday, December 15, 2007

Something New I Learned

Muslims believe that Jesus will come back at the End of Days, defeat the Dajjal, kill the wicked, and call all humanity to convert to Islam.

Christians believe that Jesus will come back at the End of Days, defeat the Anti-Christ, kill the wicked, and call all humanity to convert to Christianity.

NOTE: Dajjal and Anti-Christ are similar, but are somewhat different in order to fit with their respective religion.

It's sort of interesting how similar our beliefs are. The difference, of course, is that most Christians (especially Evangelicals such as myself) believe in the RAPTURE. In simplest terms, before the Anti-Christ rises to power, all faithful followers of Christ will vanish in the blink of an eye and be saved from the tortures and horrors of his 7-year reign.

Like Muslims, we believe the End of Days is imminent, and that it can happen at any second. Rev. Jerry Fallwell predicted that it would happen between 1999 and 2009, but he is just one of many who have said it would happen, starting back in the 1700s. Whenever it happens, many of us are ready.

This will be my last blog until Christmas Day. I will discuss what I got and share my opinions of Christmas. I'm sure my reader(s) will find it interesting.

1 comment:

John said...

The Q'uran and the Bible are really close in content and style. All the Abrahamic relgions have a similar message, just adapted to different historical and sociocultural milieus. I would consider Judaism and Christianity to be more advanced at present in that they allow their followers to willingly participate in good acts, instead of compelling them to do so by law, but it wasn't always this way, and I'm sure there are some fundamentalist Christian politicians who would turn the clock back to a time before the separation between church and state.