Sunday, December 2, 2007

Who'da thunk it?

On a 60 minutes story today (12/2/07), a bishop from England was talking about how badly Christians are persecuted in Iraq. That didn't surprise me, but apparantly it was better before the US-led invasion. In fact, Sadam had Christians in his cabinet and they were also some of his closest advisors. Christians were free to worship and build churches, and were given the same rights as Islam.

Then we (america) stormed in, took him out of power for bullshit reasons, and the militants rose to power. Good going, Bushy. Now, an alleged threat is replaced with an imminent threat. Christians have fled to Syria, Iraq is only somewhat quieter thanks to the surge, and you can't walk down the street without the threat of a suicide bomber.

I would say that the Iraqi "War" has not exactly improved the region. If anything, Bush has helped spawn a rapid increase in the numbers of Islamic, anti-American extremists. For those 12% of Americans who support the President, I ask simply: why? Then again, MadTV said it best:

"You can't help but love him, he's like a retarded baby."
-Michael McDonald as John Kerry, 2004

1 comment:

John said...

Yeah, but Saddam Hussein was a real bastard. Sure, there weren't any weapons of mass destruction, but removing him from power was a good idea. Maybe they should have thought of that during the first Gulf War, or maybe they shouldn't have armed the Iraqis in the first place.

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