I know the response to this is usually something like, "Well, you fell for what they were saying! How reliable is this source?" To respond, all I can do is ask you to committ yourself for about two hours to watch the movie - the link is at the bottom of this entry.
As far as the 9/11 part goes, I've suspected it was rigged by the government since watching "Loose Change" on youtube. This video just adds to my certainty that the towers were demolished by bombs, not planes. Thousands of lives were taken, and we'll probably never have a clear, concise answer as to why.
And with the IRS, all I can say is that Americans have been saying for a long time that it is unconstitutional. Well, it actually is. Income taxes are illegal, and the government is committing a crime every year. I strongly urge all people to stop filing their income taxes. It's illegal for them to do that, and we need to stop the oppressor before She increases his tyranny against us. By She, I of course mean "Lady Liberty".
Well alright, the video can be viewed at:
Zeitgeist... No. I didn't like it. I will discuss this with you later. I am just dropping by to let you know I posted today.
If you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, it's yours.
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