Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I Name My Teddy bear Muhammad

So once upon a time a British woman decided to move to Sudan, a terrorist-sponsoring, genocide-funding nation, and teach their children. She loved her job, and was good at it. Until one day, when she allowed her students to pick the name Muhammad for their class teddy bear. A few days later, she was arrested and thrown in jail for insulting Islam.

Now, as many of you know, I'm all for freedom of religion. But come on! Not only is she probably not aware of the laws involving teddy bear naming, she didn't even pick the name. She let her students do the same. YET, the teacher gets thrown in jail and the students are left wondering where little Muhammad went.

It's sad to think that in Sudan now, with all the genocide and corrupt government that's going on, the people choose to focus on a teddy bear. Maybe, instead of sending a teacher to prison for encouraging a democratic vote, you should imprison the terrorists who are murdering millions in Darfur. Of course, then the government would have to admit that anything was going on, and/or stop funding the terrorists to kill the people. And nations say that America is full of terrorists. I say check your backyard before accusing the guys across the street of foul play. Hypocrites.

Then you have these morons in Indonesia protesting the Israeli-Palestinian peacetalks at the U.S. Naval Academy. Perhaps if it were just a few extremists with signs I could ignore it, but it's a major demonstration of people who don't want peace. This goes to show you that no matter how hard countries like the USA fight for freedom and democracy for the rest of the world, you'll always find some assholes who want to mess it all up. I'm not saying democracy is the best government, but it's sure a lot better than anything these terrorist states have in place.

I try not to come across as anti-Islamic, even though I have. I understand that not ALL Muslims are terrorists. And perhaps one of the most ignorant quotes ever was said by Tucker Carlson:

"Not all Muslims are terrorists,
but all terrorists are Muslim."

Despite my attempts to convince people that not all Muslims are bad, it is becoming increasingly difficult. Then again, that has a lot to do with the media. Newsstations don't want to show the peaceful, US-loving Muslims; they only want to show the ones with bombs strapped to their chests. America is Islamophobic, and it is almost arrogant about it. I suppose this is how douches such as Tucker Carlson, Bill O'Reilly, Ann Coulter, and Laura Schlessinger are able to get airtime (and multi-million-dollar salaries). I mean jeez, if I can get a job insulting those who I disagree with and make millions doing it, sign me up. In the end, I believe those four people are cowards, doing what they know - which is nothing much at all.

1 comment:

John said...

I thought all terrorists were Basque Catholics. Boy, do I have some catching up to do.